Sunday, December 11, 2016

Minion Cans

This is my groups poster for prep market 2016, 13 of December. It shows you what we have made.  We are making minion cans and some of the good ones have vampire teeth.  We have made a video that shows you how to use it.  

Monday, October 17, 2016

My book review

Image result for the curious incident of the dog in the night-time book cover by Mark Haddon

Title: The curious incident of the dog in the night-time.
What I liked best:  I like it when they said the dog got stabbed by a fork.

Author:  Mark Haddon.
What I didn't like:  I didn't like when the dog died because I thought it was really sad.

Favourite character and why:  Mrs Shears because she is trying to find the person who killed her dog.
Storyline ( summary )

The dog died in the night-time. He got killed by a long fork.  The boy went outside and he found the dog outside of Mrs Shears house.  The dog outside of Mrs Shears lying on the grass was hers.  If you want to know who killed the dog you will have to read this book.  
Favourite character and why:  Mrs Shears because she is trying to find the person who killed her dog.

Would I recommend this book:  I would recommend this book because it's nice for people to read because it's  interesting and sad because the dog died.  If you want to know who killed the dog you will have to read this book.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

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Olympics art work

This is my Olympic art work.  We had to tessellate a triangle that was 3.4 cm  and a hexagon out of it.  We used a triangle into a hexagon by going over it on each side until it's in a shape.A

The three values are respect, friendship and excellence.   We used the internet to search our favorite athlete.  We cut out people's heads from the Olympics and we cut out our heads to use for our Olympic artwork.  After cutting our heads and other peoples we used a glue stick and stuck it on our artwork.

We have written some words on the background to make it stand out more.  Some people did block letters and some people did normal writing with lines and stuff coloured in inside it.  

We had two similes and two metaphors in it.  We rote Olympic 2016 because that's the year we drawn the Olympic art.  Similes are things that has like or as for a example he is as small as a mouse running away from a human.  A metaphor is something that does n´t have like or as for a example he is a fat pig eating all the food in the shop.  

Monday, September 5, 2016

Moment In Time Week 7

Today our teacher asked us to write a ‘Moment In Time’ piece using a picture of a boy in the water.  We planned as a class to make sure we had the 5 W’s and the 6 Senses.  

Before we began our writing in small groups we discussed the importance of using descriptive writing, using similes and metaphors where appropriate, using dialogue and have done our best to make sure our punctuation is correct.  Some of us have even used ‘Show Don’t Tell’ in our writing to provide our reader with more of an experience.

Our teacher gave us 10 minutes for each paragraph and then 10 minutes for editing at the end.  We had so much fun working together!

If you have a moment, we would love you to comment on our writing.  

Boy Overboard!

“AGHHHH!” said Jack as his uncle suddenly drove straight into a wave and it went crashing down on them.  The pressure was so powerful that it knocked Jack straight off the boat and into the freezing cold water.  He was starting to drown, but luckily he knew how to swim.  He got a breath of air just in time, he could of died.   

Jack saw some sharks coming towards him like lightning.  He swam to the boat as fast as he could, his uncle never noticed that he got tipped off the boat.  “Uncle, help me please!” Jack screamed, but his uncle could not hear his screams over the crashing waves.  He went to the side of the boat and banged it as hard as he could, but his uncle could still not hear him.  Jack thought he was really going to die, and now the sharks were closer than he ever wanted.   

The sharks circled around him, which Jack did not like it, he was terrified.  One of the sharks tried to strike but Jack had dodged it.  The other sharks attacked but they were not fast enough to eat him.  Jack was to tired to dodge the attacks now, they were really going to eat him now.  But at the last second there was a school of tuna that distracted the blood thirsty sharks.  The sharks went to the school of fish then Jack said  “now I have more time to get my uncle’s attention?”, for a school of tuna is way better than a skinny little boy.       

Written by Turua, Ben and Musharraf.

I think I did well sharing my ideas, and did well on doing changes, and making the sentence better.

I think I did well on typing the moment in time and sharing my ideas to my group.


I think I did well of sharing my ideas with my two buddies and making good changes.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Moment in time

After school Joe and Rick went to the park because it was a sunny day.  They went with 7 other friends to play soccer and to have fun.  When they got there saw birds and trees moving fast.  They could hear kids yelling as loud as an ape in it’s cage, parents telling their kids to come down, and kids running to the park like dogs trying to chase someone.

After a game of soccer their mum and dad were trying to look for them.  They walked  briskly to school because it was hot and they wanted to get a drink from the fountain. They walked to the teacher and the teacher said “ they’re not here so they walked to the park because it was a sunny day then they saw them.  They said to him you play like cristiano ronaldo.  

Their mum said to them you can’t skip school for 20 years i’m going to drop you off and tell the teacher that you’re here.  They said you’re like a cat running away from school that you’re never allowed to skip again said dad.  So mum said that if you want to play soccer go to school and play dad agreed.

Monday, August 8, 2016


A pattern made of identical polygons:
• the polygons must fit together without any gaps
• the polygons should not overlap


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Regular polygon
A shape that haves equal sides.
Irregular polygon
A shape that does not have equal sides
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Screenshot 2016-08-04 at 10.58.50 AM.png
Salzman, L., (1990).  Cool Tessellations.  Creative activities that make math and science fun for kids!  P6-7)